
The Gathering system is the basic building block for all resources spawned into the game’s economy: you have to spend the time collecting the resources in various locations. The basic 4 resources for now are: Wood, Ore, Hide and Fiber.

Tiered Resources

Each resource will have a different tier level depending on where it was gathered. If you’re lucky enough, it may even be enchanted. The higher the risk involved in gathering the resource, the higher the resource level you’ll get.

Each gathering zone is made out of 16 plots, which offers different types of resources of varying levels. Select the zone the most compatible with your needs and your capabilities. For example, if you’re looking to craft gear that requires Tier 6 wood and Tier 6 ore, then your most efficient choice will be a zone that would contain these two resource types and levels simultaneously.

Of course, it may be crowded, forcing you to select your second best option (or another time of the day). The time it takes to reach the zone or to come back from may also be as important!

Tools of the… trade?

At the start of the game, you will be able to scavenge resources using your bare hands, but obviously that’s not going to be practical (let alone feasible) when you decide to be slightly more professional and intend to gather higher tier resources or focus on specific types of resources.

An axe to cut down fragrant trees for their wood, a pickaxe to mine those bling bling ores, a skinning knife to cut out and gather that stinky, but valuable, leather.

The higher the tier of the resource you want to gather the higher the tool tier you have to carry. For example, you’d need a Tier 4 pickaxe to gather Tier 4 ore, but it will have a much faster gathering speed if you’re using it for lower tier ore. You could even stretch it and gather Tier 5 ores, but then the gathering speed will be much slower and sometimes impossible.

Gathering amounts, spawn rates, and dirty secrets

As you gather, you’ll notice that sometimes it takes 3 seconds until you can collect, while other times it takes 9 seconds or even more, for the same resource type and level.

Plots hold nodes with varying charges of a given resource depending on how long Mother Earth has been nurturing a certain node.

As soon as you gather a resource from a plot, the plot will deplete and become barren for a certain amount of time where no other player, including yourself, can farm it. After some time has passed, the same resource or a completely different one will spawn, and perhaps of a different tier. At which point, you or other players would be able to gather the new resource. It’s a battle for the resources! Sound familiar?

As implied above, these plots basically feed the game economy with resources, which transform into items of value to the players when using them for crafting, refining, and other functions. Their design is extremely critical, and so is the design of the spawn rates and charges carried by the plots.

Will it be a stable rate, will it diminish over time the same way Bitcoin becomes more scarce the more it is mined, or will it deplete yet can be topped up? That is for you to find out.

World Map

If gathering near home is not enough to quench your imperialist greed, you can use the World Map to identify the zone you’d like to farm, as the map will show you the overall distribution of the resource types and tiers available to each zone.

Grab it all, because why not, it’s still more environmentally friendly to deforest Nifty Craft than deforesting our dear planet.

The more you level up, the further you’re going to want to go to gather rarer resources, but at the same time, the deeper into the wilderness you are, the more risk you are going to face. What risks will you face? What will this unforgiving land have for you, brave adventurer?


Don't forget you are not the only one looking to gather. That shiny, pretty, enticing, little piece of ore calling you with all its sparkles can be grabbed by another player at any moment before you.

Indeed, the gathering system is in a multiplayer environment after all. It is a real-time treasure hunt as opposed to mindless single player farming, so keep your eyes out for all the resources you would love to have.

As a web3 game where we have to be mindful with the amount of inflation created in the economy, the resources spawn points are a very critical decision. To avoid this we made the set of spawn points available for the whole game universe and are not creating a new set of spawn points for each new player at sign up. This way, resource inflation is always in control regardless of the size or growth rate of the player base.

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