Game Tech

Game Engine

Nifty Craft is built with Unity3D, a game engine used to make over 700,000 games and we trust it to be the best fit for the type of game we are building. Considering the efficiencies that have gone to making the Unity game engine one of the most successful products in its space, our world class development team is expecting our players to have a smooth gaming experience.

The battles run as real time strategy matches coded in C# on the Unity game engine.


We use the Nakama game manager by Heroic Labs for the social and real-time aspects of the game, as well as for managing the economy and maintaining a resilient persistent world.

Nakama is an open source real-time social game server, trusted by the likes of Zynga and EA. It offers all of the needed efficiencies such as load balancing, SSL, worldwide scaling, and multi region deployment. Wherever you are and whenever you decide to play, Nifty Craft will be up and ready to serve you the smoothest gaming experience in the Web3 world.

Our backend server-side game infrastructure has multiple interlocking parts working together, using GoLang, nodeJS, CockroachDB, AWS services, MongoDB, and Google Cloud.

Using these pieces of technology allows us to build highly structured infrastructure as services.

Such tech is used by the likes of Riot Games (Golang), and Devsisters (CockroachDB).

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